Does Your Brand Have a Story?
As brands struggle to break through with their ads and commercials, many strive to tell a story. Storytelling can lure people into an ad, and a well-constructed story can result in the viewer learning something new about, or feeling differently towards the brand. Advertisers who create ad stories that engage and persuade should feel justifiably proud of their accomplishments. That said, for the brand to thrive…
Taglines as Tag-Alongs
We’ve commented in this space before about how brand marketers care more about their taglines than consumers do…
How Advertising Works Today
The ARF just released the results of their ‘How Advertising Works Today’ study, touted as the most extensive industry study in more than 25 years. We were gratified to see that their findings line up very closely with ours – and mirror how we have for years been advising clients to optimize their advertising campaigns and spending allocations…
Design for Your Viewer and Their Goals
While there are many other topics to consider when designing data visuals, taking into consideration these “three Ds” can provide the initial guidance necessary for presenting data in a way that is effective, aesthetically-pleasing, and clear.
The Perils of Copy Testing in Today’s Advertising Environment
Advertisers spend millions of dollars copy testing ad executions before in-market launch, often testing in rough stages to avoid producing a commercial that could potentially be a weak performer. This research investment is widely regarded as prudent, to ensure that the investment isn’t wasted on advertising that may not perform. However, for the copy testing investment to be sound, it has to result in good decisions – which means...
2016 Super Bowl Study: And the Winner Is… Persil Detergent?
Out of the fifty-one Super Bowl ads included in the research, the commercial that combined strong branded engagement and significant persuasive impact […]