Why Switching Ad Campaigns May Not Be the Answer

Why Switching Ad Campaigns May Not Be the Answer

In reading the advertising trade press, it’s striking how many advertisers are launching new campaigns at any given time. Not surprisingly, these often follow a change in ad agencies, which often follows a change in senior marketing management on the client side…

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Copy Testing Without Accountability

Copy Testing Without Accountability

Most advertisers would love to know in advance whether the new ads in which they invest so much were going to actually work in-market. So they copy test, often testing several different concepts, selecting a winner, and then fine-tuning on the basis of the diagnostic feedback they gain.

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Connecting consumer preconceptions and advertising engagement

Connecting consumer preconceptions and advertising engagement

Why is it that some individuals choose to engage with a particular ad while others ignore it all together? That’s the million-dollar question. Creators of advertisements strive to ensure that their ads secure the attention of the widest possible swath of consumers within their target audience. With that said, not all consumers are created equal when it comes to the likelihood of engaging with a specific ad for which they have exposure...

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Will Your New Creative Approach Succeed In-Market?

Will Your New Creative Approach Succeed In-Market?

Dramatic shifts in the world of advertising have created even more pressures on copy testing, with advertisers needing more rapid feedback in a fast-moving world, and the expansion of online branded content requiring ever more copy be produced, including copy that is highly customized for specific audience segments.

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Cord-Cutting, Tipping Points and Advertising

Cord-Cutting, Tipping Points and Advertising

Recent reports confirm that the number of consumers who have decided that they don’t need cable companies anymore has increased dramatically lately….

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Play Offense, Not Defense to Win Hispanic Engagement

Play Offense, Not Defense to Win Hispanic Engagement

Everyone knows that Hispanics are a fast growing, key group of consumers in the marketplace, but do advertisers’ investments reflect that? In a recent Media Post article, Jose Villa writes about the visible trend of marketers increasing investments in the Hispanic Market as a defensive move. Advertisers are experiencing decreases in sales among their General Market target, so they then decide to invest money behind strategies that...

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