Did Loctite Win at Glue With Last Year’s Super Bowl Buy?
This year’s Loctite’s Super Bowl ad “was a charming ad and cute creative concept, but it didn’t really break through,” said Jeri Smith, CEO of Communicus, which tested last year’s Super Bowl ads with consumers. Loctite’s was recalled by only 13% of people after the game, Ms. Smith said, versus 43% ad recall for the average Super Bowl ad, and only 5% of people remembered what brand it was for. Click HERE for...
Why Super Bowl Advertisers Are OK That the Commercials Don’t Boost Sales
It’s a spectacular amount of money for so little airtime, but dozens of companies have no problem forking over the cash. After all, a Super Bowl spot is probably the best shot an advertisement has at being seen by an enormous captive audience all year. Confirming what we all know, Communicus CEO Jeri Smith told Ad Age that many popular Super Bowl ads aren’t even aired after the game. If this is their best stuff, why don’t these...
Agencies Ecstatic as Super Bowl Week Begins – But Are the Ads Cost Effective?
Between 2004 and 2014, the NFL generated $2.19 billion in ad-revenue through the Super Bowl. This year, it will cost as much $5 million to buy airtime during the event. This cost represents, roughly, a $500,000 increase since last year; yet it’s still unclear whether the advertisements are actually effective. Click HERE for more.
Are Super Bowl Ads a Waste of Money and Talent?
Advertisers are expected to spend quarter of a billion dollars on Super Bowl ads, and they may not be worth the talent and money it takes to make them.
Super Bowl 50 Advertising Sells-Out at Record Nearly $5 Million for :30; What Can Advertisers Expect in Return?
Communicus has evaluated the effectiveness of over 150 Super Bowl commercials between 2011 and 2015. Advertisers who have invested the $5 million or more[…]
How Advertising Changes Consumer Behaviors in Healthcare Marketing
When it comes to decisions that are as complex and personal as health care attitudes and behaviors, it can be challenging to identify the precise role played by advertising. Not only are consumers frequently unwilling to admit that advertising convinces them to change, they often don’t even recognize the role played by sponsored messages in how their attitudes and behaviors have been shaped. READ AMA’S ARTICLE HERE