Hispanics’ View of Corporate Social Responsibility

Hispanics’ View of Corporate Social Responsibility

In this exclusive piece, Aleena Astorga Roeschley, senior project manager and multicultural expert at Communicus, Inc., discusses Latinos’ perspectives on corporate philanthropy. Many brand marketers have developed corporate responsibility programs where they team up with consumers to help those in need–General Mills’ Box Tops for Education, for example, is one of the longest running and most visible initiatives. But while Hispanic...

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Delicate dance: Targeting biculturals

Delicate dance: Targeting biculturals

Advertisers often alienate first- and second-generation Hispanics When we say the word Hispanics, we’re lumping a large, diverse range of people into one very narrow group. Though Hispanics do share a common ethnicity, their experiences and history are quite different, and understanding that is a key part of putting together an effective media plan to reach them. One growing subgroup of Hispanics in the U.S. is bicultural Hispanics,...

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Myths And Realities: Advertising That Engages And Persuades Hispanic Targets

Myths And Realities: Advertising That Engages And Persuades Hispanic Targets

There is a variety of strategies on how to best advertise to Hispanic targets. While some tactics can be effective, many are built on myths that no longer particularly work. It’s easy to stereotype an audience, and then address them as such. But the 55 million individual Hispanic consumers in the U.S. are definitely not monolithic, nor should they be stereotyped. When advertising is created based on commonly held beliefs about what...

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What’s Influencing Latinas in the Beauty Aisle

What’s Influencing Latinas in the Beauty Aisle

You’re not going to the grocery store without your makeup on, are you?” “Your father is going to be home in an hour—and I haven’t even done my hair or makeup!” These phrases may seem out of place or too traditional for much of today’s culture, but they still resonate and stand true for one of the most rapidly growing demographics in the United States, the Hispanic woman. A recent Nielsen report (www.nielsen.com) notes that “Hispanic...

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Play Offense, Not Defense to Win Hispanic Engagement

Play Offense, Not Defense to Win Hispanic Engagement

Everyone knows that Hispanics are a fast growing, key group of consumers in the marketplace, but do advertisers’ investments reflect that? In a recent Media Post article, Jose Villa writes about the visible trend of marketers increasing investments in the Hispanic Market as a defensive move. Advertisers are experiencing decreases in sales among their General Market target, so they then decide to invest money behind strategies that...

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